So you’ve given up on actually achieving your New Year's resolutions? We’re here to help!
We get it, promises made to yourself on 1 January are usually tossed aside and forgotten by March. So you said 2010 would be the year you’d rock six-pack abs? Admit it, your gym membership was quickly abandoned for happy hours. Perhaps you thought you’d pick up a cool hobby or learn a new language in 2019? Yeah, those 365 days came and went, just like every other year. But hey, just because you didn’t succeed before doesn’t mean you can’t try again. So here’s a tip from us: Breeze through 2020 with these easy self-care and wellness resolutions…
Prioritise good sleep
Quality slumber is essential for good health – try to stick with a regular routine when it comes to your sleep and wake times so your body automatically knows what to do without being told. To wind down before you hit the hay, avoid alcohol, caffeine or snacks, clear your mind (that means no phones!), and set the scene in your bedroom with aromatherapy, calming candles, lotions and a soothing face mask.
Get on the health track

Whether you’re convinced that plant-based is the way to go, or you’re determined to increase your intake of greens, a healthy lifestyle can look different from one person to another. Just find out what works for you and ensure it’s sustainable in the long run. Even small changes to your diet like cutting down on added sugar and salt can make a difference, and so can adding new elements to your fitness routine! Affordable workout classes, anyone?
Make that sustainable swap
Show some love to the Earth by making small tweaks in your life. We recommend getting your retail therapy fix at eco-friendly fashion and jewellery brands, going zero waste on your grocery runs, stocking up on sustainable everyday supplies and ditching single-use plastics to do beauty the conscious way.
Carve out some me-time
Hey, we all need a little self-care to boost our wellbeing, and sometimes that comes in the form of a solo adventure, a spa sesh for one or even a longer snuggle in bed with some binge-worthy shows over the weekend.
Kill ‘em with kindness
As much as you want 2020 to be your year, you’ve got so much more to gain by being good to others. Start with small acts for the people around you, then find out where your compassions lie when you sign up to help at any one of the volunteer organisations in the city.
Read a little

Can’t remember the last time you picked up a book or a magazine? Perhaps now is the time to change that. Reading’s great, said every bookworm ever, because it helps with everything from reducing your stress levels to improving your memory. If you’re really not the type, at least spare a couple of minutes each day to let the words teach you something new.
Do a digital detox
We’re all so caught up in the rapid pace of life that we rarely stop to think, look around and really appreciate what we have. Our suggestion? Take time to unplug for a bit and cherish those moments with your family and friends.
Keep it movin’
Most of us may be in deskbound jobs, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit long hours without a break. Get up at lunch for a short walk, take a quick stretch every hour, or if your office has a standing desk, spend a few stints there in between camping out at your desk. Your body will thank you for it.
Find your own way to happiness

It doesn’t matter which route we take, as long as our destination remains the same. Whether you’re on the path of ancient lifestyle philosophies that bring you one step closer to contentment, or you’re putting feelers out to discover which career path brings you most joy, happiness is within reach. And sometimes, it can even be found in the simplest things.