If you find talking to a therapist daunting, here are some alternative approaches you can go for.
It’s not easy to sit down with a stranger and talk about your innermost thoughts and emotions. Sure, with the advent of technology, you can engage in counselling sessions via apps, but if verbal communication isn’t your strongest suit, don’t be disheartened. We’ve uncovered various alternative therapies in Singapore that can help guide you toward healing and self-discovery.
Make therapy less intimidating with these alternatives in Singapore
1. Animal-assisted therapy
As the name suggests, this is where animals are brought in to assist with interactions and interventions during therapy sessions. Typically, dogs are involved in this practice, adding another layer to the term “man’s best friend”. But why canines? It’s said that they can read and understand human emotions. Besides dogs, horses are also used in animal-assisted therapy. Therapy animals help by reducing stress and anxiety, increasing happy hormones such as endorphins and dopamine, and providing support. The best part? Adults, children, couples, and families benefit from these sessions.
If you’re keen on this treatment, Pawsibility and Animals-Assisted Interactions Singapore are two local organisations you can contact. Those who want to participate in equine therapy can sign up for sessions with Theris or Herd Singapore.
2. Music therapy
Have you noticed how music can influence your mood? When used in therapy, it can help patients regulate their emotions, cope with emotional trauma, and alleviate depression. You don’t need to be musically inclined or trained to take part in this therapy programme. As long as you like music or are receptive to it, you can consider this treatment. In each session, participants can listen to music, play musical instruments, sing, and even write songs. There’s a misconception in Singapore that music therapists are entertainers, which is far from the truth. In fact, music therapists must be properly accredited before they can practise.
The Association for Music Therapy Singapore is an excellent place to start if you’re looking for accredited professionals. Alternatively, you can seek out KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Singapore General Hospital for this alternative therapy.
3. Drama therapy
In this treatment, individuals reflect and embody their experiences through role-play, performances, and storytelling. Through these sessions, they’ll learn to explore their emotions in a safe space and process issues such as trauma and grief. Like music therapy, you don’t have to be good at acting to get involved in drama therapy. Even though it’s considered a “new” treatment approach and not officially recognised in Singapore, research has shown that it is beneficial.
Interested in drama therapy? You can reach out to registered drama therapists Ambre Lee and Lee Wai Ying, who are based here.
4. Art therapy
They say a picture paints a thousand words. So, if you’re one of those who find it difficult to speak openly about their feelings and issues, you can sign up for art therapy. This therapeutic approach uses visual arts to assist clients in organically expressing how they feel and addressing trauma – no words involved. Art pieces produced from the sessions are confidential and won’t be displayed without permission. Depending on the practitioner, the artwork will be returned to clients after treatment ends.
Art therapy is one of the most readily available alternative mental health treatments in Singapore. Organisations such as Creative Earth, Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic, and Red Balloon Therapy offer this psychotherapy service. You can also refer to this directory compiled by the Art Therapists’ Association Singapore to identify qualified professionals here.
5. Nature therapy
It’s not a fluke when people claim that spending time in the great outdoors does wonders for your mental health. That’s nature therapy, also known as forest therapy and green therapy, for you. It’s all about immersing yourself in the natural world and connecting with nature. The reported benefits include reducing stress levels, improving physical health, and boosting the immune system. Are you familiar with forest bathing? That’s one activity that falls under this practice.
Clarie Psychotherapy conducts nature therapy in the northern and western parts of Singapore on weekday mornings. You can also engage in Xiu Nature Connections, which runs private and group forest therapy sessions. Otherwise, you can go at it on your own by taking care of a plant at home or walking around a nearby park.
6. Play therapy
Do you have little ones who might need professional intervention? It’s difficult for them to articulate their issues and process their emotions, so play therapy is introduced. Trained therapists use playtime to observe and assist kids in expressing themselves, working through their unresolved ordeals, and learning healthy coping mechanisms. Even though this treatment is predominantly for children, this approach can also be used on adults. Play therapy has been proven effective, with clients experiencing positive changes after a few sessions.
There are a few organisations in Singapore that provide this alternative therapy, such as Creative Play Lab, Pandora Box Play Therapy, Healing Hearts Centre, and Tree of Life Play Therapy.
7. Dance therapy
Who knew dance could aid your mental health? This movement therapy allows folks to destress and regulate their emotions through creative exercises, learnable techniques, and freeform dancing. Through this practice, participants will realise that the body and mind are interconnected, and any changes can simultaneously affect both aspects.
If you want to try out this treatment, you can hit up Movemental or Olive Tree Development Center.
Alternative healing treatments to try in Singapore
We won’t mince our words: it’s tough living in Singapore. Despite living on a tropical island with beaches and spas galore, we’re often time-crunched, overworked and frightfully anxious – a recipe for exhaustion and sickness. But if you’ve tried in vain to get your health back on track (yoga, detox retreats, organic food… you name it), perhaps it’s time to wade into the realm of natural healing treatments in Singapore. Skeptical? We explore various options available in the city.
8. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
If you’ve been having trouble sleeping at night, here’s a wellness treatment to help you. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a non-invasive procedure that requires you to climb into a pressurised chamber and inhale 95% oxygen for an hour. After multiple sessions, it’s said that you’ll become less fatigued, your body will recover faster, and your sleep quality will improve. Those keen to try this alternative therapy can set an appointment with O2genes, the first to offer this treatment in Singapore. Curious to know more? Read about our experience with oxygen therapy.
9. Floatation therapy
Free your mind of life’s stresses and your body of gravity with a relaxing aquatic escape. At Palm Ave Float Club, you’ll float effortlessly on Epsom salt water in your own private pod. Without any distractions – light, sound or gravity – your body will enter a deep, meditative state, and your worries will melt away. With regular floating sessions, you can expect quicker relief from stress, improved athletic performance, better mental clarity, and muscle relaxation.
10. Acupuncture
An ancient traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice, acupuncture is believed to ease pain and treat illnesses by restoring the flow of energy (also known as qi) in one’s body. Standard treatment involves the patient lying relaxed while hair-thin needles are inserted into strategic points. Its numerous benefits include the release of endorphins, immune cells to protect the body from diseases, and chemicals to regulate blood sugar levels.
Terrified of needles? Don’t worry – these needles are so thin that you’ll only feel a slight tingling sensation upon insertion. This treatment is available at major TCM practitioners, including the well-established Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinic.
11. Onsen bath
At Yunomori Japanese Onsen & Spa, you’ll experience traditional bathing rituals designed to relax and rejuvenate. Ranging from simple and traditional to modern and technology-fuelled, each bath is believed to be therapeutic with its own benefits. Choose from a selection of aquatic therapies, including the tiny bubble-filled jet bath for rheumatic aches, and the relaxing hot bath for various ailments.
12. Reiki
Made up of two Japanese words, rei refers to “god’s wisdom or the higher power”, while ki means “life force energy”. Reiki spiritually heals by channelling energy through touch. The practitioner passes reiki onto you by gently placing their hands on different areas of your body. You might feel a warm or tingling session during your treatment, but the effect post-session is a deep calmness. Just know that reiki has a lot of detractors, so if you’re a natural sceptic, we won’t be surprised if you take this with (more than) a pinch of salt. Intrigued? Read all about our reiki experience.
13. Tai chi
You’re no stranger to tai chi if you live in Singapore. It’s common to see the elderly practising this in parks and residential areas in the morning. This centuries-old Chinese martial art, which is rooted in Chinese medicine, descended from qigong. Originally created for self-defence, it involves a series of slow, meditative body movements to induce calm and reduce stress. Join one of the many tai chi groups in Singapore to practise at various parks.
14. Cupping
While this treatment has been around for centuries, it’s only become more widely practised in the last few years. Cups – made of glass or bamboo – are placed on the skin to create suction. Much like acupuncture, their placement on strategic qi points helps to rebalance energy flow. But, there’s the added deep-cleansing benefits of clearing congested blood from muscles and removing toxins. After several treatments, you may expect better skin, digestion, and overall health.
However, this isn’t for anyone with haemophobia (the fear of blood). Expect to see blood in those cups, and we’re not talking little smidgens, either. Like acupuncture, cupping is easily available at many TCM clinics, including Xin Hua TCM Therapy.
15. Sound meditation
Tried yoga and meditation in your search for inner peace and clarity but need something else to ground you? Don’t give up the hunt; try sound meditation! At The Singing Bowl Gallery, healing takes place primarily through the soothing sounds of singing bowls. Handcrafted by metal craftsmen in Nepal, these create complex singing tones and natural harmonies to induce meditation for peace and relaxation. The effect is said to be rapid. Your tension, stress and pain will quickly melt away… but it doesn’t stop there.
These folks are also masters of Pandorastar light therapy, which creates a kaleidoscope of colours and imagery with closed eyelids. Coupled with meditative sounds from the singing bowls, you’ll sink into deep relaxation, leading to reduced anxiety, better stress management and improved sleep.
16. Ayurveda
One of the world’s oldest healing practices views the human body as being controlled by three systems (also known as doshas). Illnesses occur when one is out of balance – that’s where Ayurveda comes in. Aside from rubdowns with herbs and oils, unconventional treatments include the Shirodhara. That’s where medicated oil, buttermilk or milk is poured continuously over a patient’s head. It’s believed to help with insomnia and chronic headaches. There’s also Navarakizhi, which involves the application of boluses of cooked Navara rice on the body for skeletal and muscular health. Om Vedic Heritage Centre is a good place to start, as it specialises in Ayurveda treatments, yoga and nutrition workshops.
17. Hot stones
So you’d rather heat things up? Try this natural treatment at St Gregory’s Spa. It involves placing warmed stones on certain points of the body. The heat penetrates deep body tissues, improving blood circulation and loosening tight muscles. Massage devotees claim that using stones before a rubdown proves to be more effective since it relaxes muscles and allows therapists to work your knots without deep, painful pressure. It’s especially believed to work wonders on people with backaches, pains, and arthritis.
We hope you get the help you need with these alternative therapies and healing treatments in Singapore.