Whether you’re talking to a lover or a friend, this list of conversation starters will ensure you never run out of things to talk about!
We all know the importance of human connection and being able to carry seamless conversations with the people in your life. But sometimes, no matter how much you rack your brains, it can be difficult to think about good conversation starters. Whether you’re on a first date, catching up in the pantry with your co-workers, or looking to deepen existing relationships between friends and family, here are some thought-provoking conversation topics to keep those responses flowing.
Handy conversation starters for any situation
For small talk

Find yourself caught in a cab with your boss, or stuck in a corner with a friend of a friend (that you know but don’t really know)? These great conversation starters will keep you busy.
1. How are you planning to spend the weekend?
A casual question to keep things chill – you can even share your own weekend itinerary or get inspired by their plans!
2. What was your favourite pre-Covid vacation experience, and where are you looking to jet off to once you can?
We’re all reminiscing travel at the moment. This is a great question to loosen them up and get them excited to share about something they miss and look forward to.
3. What do you like most about what you do?
Whether it’s to get a better understanding of what they’re studying in school, or their current goals and aspirations, this’ll get them talking about all the things they love (or disdain) about what they do.
4. What’s your favourite place to dine in Singapore?
There’s no doubt we’ve all spent some time exploring more of our lion city in the last two years. Find out more about their favourite food and restaurants with this fun question!
5. Did you pick up any new hobbies during the circuit breaker period?
It’s safe to say, almost everybody in Singapore has experienced lockdown together. Share about the interesting skills and hobbies you picked up during those strange couple of months, and learn more about how they spent their time!
For friends

You may find yourself at a loss for words no matter how long you’ve known each other – these conversation starters will alleviate those awkward silences.
6. What’s your love language?
We think we know our friends well enough, but we might be surprised by their response to this question! Know your friend a little more intimately by finding out how they best like to give or receive love through their love languages.
7. If a zombie apocalypse broke out right now in Singapore, what would your survival plan be?
A fun one to mull on together – would you barricade yourselves in the closest NTUC or huddle together in an HDB? Who would survive the longest, and who’s more likely to run a cult in the end times? There are just too many possibilities.
8. What’s your all-time favourite memory of us?
A little nostalgia never hurts – look back on the good times you shared together as friends over the years.
9. Have you binged any Netflix shows recently?
From The Tinder Swindler to the final season of Attack on Titan, there’s always something binge-worthy on Netflix (or any streaming platform, really). Find out what your friends are watching, and share some of your top picks with them too.
10. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
It’s always fun to talk about dreams and aspirations. Take the time to share how your goals have changed over the years, or how you’ve managed to reach your dreams.
For couples

Whether you’re on a first date, or years deep into a relationship, these conversation starters will help you feel a little closer to your significant other.
11. Tell me about what the perfect date looks like for you?
This functions both as a conversation starter, and also gives you some tips on how to plan your next date with your partner!
12. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do together with me?
When you and your partner have busy schedules, it can be easy to lose sight of the things you want to do as a couple. This way, you can both find out what you want to experience together and talk about ways to make it happen.
13. What did you first notice about me that attracted you to me?
When things get a little stale, bring out those initial feelings of attraction by talking about how you fell in the love in the first place.
14. What is your funniest or most embarrassing memory?
Turn on the laughter by sharing hilarious accounts of past adventures (or misadventures).
15. When we’re apart, how long does it take for you to start missing me?
Feeling stuck? Indulge in this cheeky little question to get the ball rolling!
For family

Staying under the same roof can take away a lot of the initial curiosity of intimately knowing a family member. Here are some conversation starters to get to know your parents or siblings just a tad bit better.
16. What three words do you think best describes our family?
A fun little question that could give you and your family a little insight into your current family dynamics.
17. How did you meet mom/dad/your best friend/your significant other?
Break the ice by asking your parents how they met each other, or how your siblings met significant people in their lives. You might hear stories you never expected!
18. What do you think is the most important value we should uphold as a family?
Find out what’s most important to each of your family members, this could give you a deeper understanding of their actions and motivations.
19. What’s a good memory you have of all of us together?
Reminisce the fun times you’ve had growing up together by reflecting on your best memories as a family.
20. Is there anything you’ve regretted not doing more of in your life?
Delve deeper and reconnect over this intimate question. If things have been rough, you might even find an opportunity for healing.
We hope these interesting conversation starters help you cultivate better relationships with the people in your life!