Too busy to work out? Toss that excuse, and fit these quick and easy home workouts into your lunch hour (or any time of day, really)!
We get that it can be hard to commit to an exercise routine – especially if you’re a working adult in a deskbound job. You value every minute of sleep you can get, so waking up early to go for a run seems like a crazy idea. And while you swear up and down that you’ll go to the gym in the evening, those plans can be postponed when you’re drained from the events of the day. To help you out, we’ve put together some quick and effective home workouts you can fit into your schedule at lunchtime! We know it’s just 10 minutes, but hey, a little bit is better than nothing at all.
10-minute home workouts to do at lunch

1. Cardio home workout
Build stamina and endurance with a good round of cardio, all without having to leave the comfort of home. It’s not just great for boosting your heart and lung health. You’ll also burn more calories – and that’s always great if getting lean and dropping a couple of pounds is part of your fitness goal.
2. Upper body home workout
If you want to say goodbye to flabby arms and undefined back muscles, you’re gonna have to work your upper body. This includes toning and strengthening your arms, shoulders and upper back! Exercising the muscles in those key areas will help you maintain good posture, and assist with supporting your spine (which means fewer backaches from hunching over your laptop screen every day).
3. Lower body home workout
For toned legs and a booty that’ll look good in any pair of jeans, you’ll want to spend a bit of time and effort on your legs and glutes. This means exercises like squats and lunges to strengthen the muscles that help you climb, squat down and get up. Work on this every day, and you’ll soon find yourself sprinting up flights of stairs without breaking a sweat. This is always good if you live on the 15th floor of an HDB building or condo and your lift breaks down.
4. Core home workout
Working on your core will get you one step closer to the bikini body of your dreams. Or even just strengthen the stomach muscles that help support your back (and therefore your entire body). We’re talking exercises like sit-ups, planks and leg raises to engage those abs and obliques!
5. Flexibility home workout
Remember when we could lean over and touch our toes without bending our knees? How many of us can do that now? Training and maintaining our body’s flexibility is crucial as we age! This means consistently putting in the time to stretch out hamstrings, hips and back muscles. This is also a great habit to cultivate if you’re stuck at a desk all day, so you don’t come home feeling stiff all over.
Incorporate these short and sweet 10-minute home workouts into your daily routine, or mix and match them for a longer workout and better results!