What actually happens during a reading? A psychic in Singapore holds the answers to all your questions.
This could be you: maybe you’ve received two job offers and want to know which is better (lucky you!). Or perhaps you’ve been seeing someone for a while, and you’d like to know if this will become a serious relationship. At critical life junctures like these, many people – yourself included – may want to reach out for a psychic reading. Before you search for psychics in Singapore and book a session, here are three things to keep in mind for a productive, meaningful session.
Everything you need to know before your first psychic reading in Singapore
1. Choose the type of psychic reading that suits your unique needs and preferences
A diverse range of psychic readings exists, each with different strengths, methodologies and potential outcomes. It’s wise to consult a psychic with a good track record of effectiveness and professionalism, and I’m pleased to say many psychics in Singapore are exactly that. However, you should be clear about what you want from your reading and – more importantly – what you believe.

Are you a traditionalist who believes a Higher Power predestines our lives?
You’ll enjoy a face reading or palm reading to find out what lies ahead. As these names suggest, your facial features or the lines of your palms are carefully analysed to divine the nature and timing of future events, relationships and other matters of significance.
You can also try a numerology or astrology reading, where you submit certain personal details (such as your date, time and location of birth, as well as your name given at birth), which are calibrated and analysed for an overview of your life.
Are you a hands-on seeker who believes in free will?
Try a cartomancy reading or a psychic energy reading. Cartomancy is the art of using cards to gain insight and clarity. Readers use tarot, traditional poker cards and, more recently, Angel and Oracle cards to interpret the dynamics of a situation and to get clarity for possible options to achieve a satisfying outcome.
Psychic energy readings do the same, only without physical tools. These readers tune in to the seeker’s energy field to perceive likely developments in the present and future. They make use of clairvoyance (psychic sight), clairaudience (psychic hearing), clairsentience (psychic sensation), and claircognisance (psychic knowing).
Are you a huge believer in energies and their influence on your life?
Scrying readings are totally your thing! Scrying is a process where a reader enters a meditative state and looks deeply into a bowl of water or crystal ball to discern clarity and truth in a situation. Other forms of scrying include reading brewed tea leaves in a cup or randomly cast crystals.
Alternatively, you can check out an aura reading. That’s where a reader observes your aura (a field of subtle energy that envelops all sentient beings) to interpret what’s happening in your life.
Do you wish to connect with someone across the boundaries of space, time and physical limitations?
Mediumship readings are offered by psychic mediums who have the ability to commune with the souls of the dearly departed. Animal communication readings are given by animal communicators who interact with the energy fields of beloved pets to pass messages between animals and their owners.
As a professional psychic in Singapore who’s also a medium and animal communicator, these readings are my personal favourites to offer. They’re deeply healing.
2. Have an idea of what you want, but be open to change

“Man proposes; God disposes.” There’s some truth to this in relation to psychic readings. They are opportunities to connect with a greater intelligence and get answers that may otherwise be virtually impossible to obtain via the usual means of discovery. So understand you’re tapping into energies that may have their own ways of flowing.
I once gave a tarot reading to a lovely young lady who asked this question: “Which industries are suitable for what I want to achieve in my life?” The tarot completely ignored her question and answered: have confidence in yourself. A woman will soon come to guide you. When she does, be prepared for massive change. Don’t be afraid. Your career will gain momentum if you remain true to what you want.
Thankfully, this young lady wasn’t upset the tarot didn’t give her the answer she wanted. In fact, she admitted her real reason for asking was because she lacked self-confidence. It was reassurance she genuinely needed, and the tarot gave it to her.
Some weeks later, she bumped into an old schoolmate who offered her a position at a new company. She said yes, made the pivot, and is now happily busy in a thriving, fulfilling career.
3. Receive any information with a healthy scepticism

Remember, you’re in charge of your life! Never give away your power by assuming the psychic is always right. That’s how folks get scammed or manipulated. Yes, this happens (albeit rarely) in the Singapore psychic community.
But, there’s no need to be overly guarded at a reading. This makes for awkward sessions and can negatively impact the psychic’s ability to tune in to you.
The psychic is only the messenger. They’re not God or the Universe. This is a fallible human like you and me. So take in the information, but subject it to the rigours of objective analysis, fact-checking and honest introspection. Never be afraid to verify the value of whatever information the psychic gives you. Truth is a hardy thing and can stand up to scrutiny.
Choose a suitable reading with a psychic you can trust, be willing to go with the flow, and maintain a healthy, balanced scepticism. You’ll do just fine. May all your readings prosper you!