Take a look at the results of our Impact Survey for 2021 and see how we're changing our habits as a result of COVID (it's fascinating stuff!)
A few months back, we asked you all about how life had changed for you in this COVID world. Rather than just hitting on surviving quarantine and your fave spot to buy face masks in Hong Kong, we wanted to find out all about your concerns, what your hopes were for getting through this and how your habits had changed. The results of our Impact Survey make for an interesting look at how people across Asia (we polled our readers in Singapore, Bali, and HK) have changed their lives as a result of the pandemic and what we’re most looking forward to as things start looking up.
Results of the Impact Survey 2021
At a very basic glance, these were some stats that stood out to us:
- 70% of readers feel that their idea of living their “best life” has changed as a result of 2020.
- 67% thought 2020 was the reset we all needed.
- 55% think 2020 has changed the culture where they live, with 72% thinking the shift has been for the better.
- 42% would like things to get back to “normal”.
The 5 Faces of 2021
The results of the Impact Survey showed us that there are five new groups of reader out there. Which one of these categories do you fall into, or do you see a bit of yourself in a few? Scared of Sickness, Financially Fearful, Lifestyle Yearner, Career Concerned and Big Picture Dreamers.
What people care about has also changed, with people being more interested in health and wellness topics, financial security, finding a job they love, and living sustainably.
There are loads more interesting facts to learn about how we are living in 2021, so jump on over to the Impact Survey to see the full report. And if you’re a business thinking about reaching the right audience this year, give us a shout at [email protected] and we can talk you through the results in person 🙂