Who doesn’t like looking at funny memes while they’re working or sitting in a lecture?
When it’s sunny out there, we enjoy eating wine and cheese at the best picnic spots with our friends or hiking in Hong Kong to get some fresh air. But admit it, part of you sometimes just secretly wants to finish your long-overdue Netflix watchlist and go through memes on the internet all day every day: #MoveMyLazyAss. As a certified indoor person, I’ve gathered my favourite funny memes accounts on Instagram, so all you homies can have a quick laugh while taking a bathroom break.
How many of these funny memes can you relate to?
The best revenge is to live your best life and shove it right back in their face.
Because popular culture has got to a point where we associate everything with the Kardashians.
I’m so proud of myself.
Relationships are so overrated. Who needs love, care and phone calls when you’re on a night out?
I’m allergic to people. That’s just a known fact (insert smiley face).
Mental illness is no joke, but sometimes when they add up, memes are here to make you feel less lonely. Now who wants a piece of my undone sushi?
My brain is saying, “Why can’t you just live and learn?” I’m sorry, mate.
I have no idea who you guys are looking at right now.
Like they say, less is always more.
We have all said stuff we never should have said to strangers we met at a pub or colleagues at a meeting.
They say I have to stop running away from my responsibilities and I’ll start tomorrow.
Apparently I still haven’t tried hard enough.