Want to challenge your body to a new way of moving? Avelino Cortes embarked on the 30 Day Yoga Journey at Flex Studio, and found more than just physical flexibility.
Hong Kong is embracing the wellness movement with full force. From vegetarian restaurants popping up across the city to a growing number of aromatherapy practitioners and fun workouts on offer, it seems that everyone is keen to live their best life (beyond the booze!) Recently, I decided to try the 30 Day Yoga Journey at Flex Studio, and this is what happened.
30 Day Yoga Journey with Flex Studio
Truth be told, yoga makes me uncomfortable.
I’m not new to the practice – I used to have a yoga studio membership and would dip in and out of classes feeling great but not really knowing what I was doing, and it frustrated the hell out of me! I was often surrounded by yogis who could twist and turn in unimaginable ways and effortlessly glide from pose to pose – or if you are well versed in yogi speak, that’s asana to asana.
Then there was me in the corner, trying to concentrate on the instructor, on my breath, what position my legs were supposed to be in (not to mention how high or how far apart) and conscious that I was out of balance, out of breath, out of sync and generally just frantic in trying to take it all in.
So when the opportunity to embark on Flex Studio’s 30 Day Yoga Journey presented itself, I approached it with a careful, yet curious, frame of mind. Curated by yoga king, Victor Chau, and led by some of Hong Kong’s most reputable instructors, the journey promised to take us through foundations, finding stability and a new perspective then from movement to stillness. The most yoga I had done had been seven classes over the course of a week (as part of a retreat) so this was certainly going to be a bit of a stretch.
So, what happened?
My intentions going into the 30 Day Yoga Journey had been to surrender all those previous inhibitions and be open to whatever lesson I was to learn. I mean they called it a ‘journey’ as opposed to a challenge, which suggested that I was in for some serious next-level revelations.
The first class was surprising. The details on what we did exactly are a bit hazy but one thing I do know was that after one class, I felt lighter. I can’t really put my finger on why or how but I walked out of that studio bouncy, weightless and to put it plainly, with no f***s given.
Over the next few practices I still had no idea what we were doing or what the point was but as we delved deeper into the journey, I was becoming increasingly calmer and more patient. Off the mat, when faced with situations that would have ordinarily have made me roll my eyes, scrunch my face and exclaim profanities, I simply smiled, appreciated and accepted it for what it was. Uh… did yoga just teach me a really important life lesson!?
One of the highlights of the journey was my progression in the Crow pose. With my new found body awareness (and lots of practice) I went from using various blocks and bolsters to honing in on my mind-body connection and essentially learning how to fly.
I’ve been putting off writing this story as I’ve found it difficult to get its position. But just as I learned through my practice, it’s about the process and where you are right now.
Yoga still makes me uncomfortable but I will take who I am, in this moment, with whatever state I am in, and I will do my best.
I will show up. I will breathe. I will simply do my best.
It’s been over a week since I completed the 30 Day Yoga Journey but the end, is really, just the beginning for me.