Life has thrown quite a curveball at us so we’re taking the time to look back at how Covid-19 and the quarantine has changed our lives – for good or bad.
As the circuit breaker eases up in the next few months (we’re already in Phase 2!), we’re taking a step back and thinking about our current situation at home. No, we don’t mean the literal view from the window – though we can’t deny that amazing scenery would brighten up anyone’s day – but rather, the concept of it.
Maybe the pandemic was a wake up call for you to slow down, learn a new skill or hobby, spend more time with family (pets included) or be grateful for the little things (like bubble tea)? Or maybe you learnt to take care of your health and be mindful of others? The Honeycombers team is in reflection mode as we pen down our thoughts on our ‘view from home’!
Family, fun and fresh air
It took a while to adjust to life in this new normal, but the beauty of being forced to slow down from the fast pace of life has resulted in a happier focus on relationships. Our friends and family have been sharing the love with surprise care packages for one another to show that we’re together even though we’re apart. And we’ve been catching up with loved ones more than ever before, now that everyone’s into virtual meet-ups and online dinner parties. Plus, my husband and I are enjoying our regular evening strolls around the neighbourhood for fresh air, great conversation and lovely sunset views.
– Benita Lee
Take a chill pill

I didn’t think that going into this whole WFH situation would mean spending more hours on the laptop. Without any major distractions, I could find myself seated on the chair for five hours and more without a single break in between. Having my cats demand some attention and affection acts like an alarm of sorts, a reminder to take a break and occasionally take my eyes away from the screen. Case in point: Leo (above) makes me unable to continue to work by planting himself on the laptop.
– Natasha Azmi
There’s always a rainbow after the storm

Since the WFH period, instead of watching the news in the morning, I’ve started the routine to kick off my day by spending quiet time, reading and intentionally focusing on positive and motivational thoughts. And to remind myself there’ll always be a rainbow after the storm.
– Winnie Castelo
No FOMO over here
Okay so this might sound strange, but besides enjoying slowing down and having more time for leisurely activities like cooking, reading, board games with the kids, I have really enjoyed not having FOMO! The CB has meant I haven’t had people’s travels and experiences on Instagram in my face (because there has been none) – so maybe it’s a sign I would be a lot happier without the ‘gram *wink*. It definitely makes you reevaluate some of those choices.
– Chris Edwards

Be kind to yourself
I’ve always taken pride in my work ethic and my productivity. Then Covid-19 happened, and it meant my partner and I were now working alongside each other, carrying on two full-time jobs, while also juggling two toddlers. The first couple of weeks of WFH was super stressful. I was trying to be everything to everyone, still smash out my usual work output and come up with new concepts and projects. And then I had a word with myself. I can only do what I can do, right? Of course I’m still productive, but the self-awareness is now there that I can only do so much in the hours I have. The effect on my mental health has been amazing.
– Amy Potter
Quality time with the fam

Covid-19 has had a silver lining for me. Normally, my families’ lives are super busy, attending sports, work, travel, school, music and socialising. The gift that Covid has given me is time with the people that mean the most to me in the world.
I’ve spent a lot of time with my young boys, homeschooling, playing, crafting and cooking. My husband and I have talked more in the last month than I can remember. We made this ‘view from the window’ as part of the boys’ art project and it has lifted our spirits. I look at it every time I cook, and it’s also where the boys do their school work.
– Angela Neo
My WFH situation has been heartful and lovely so far. With seven family members, including my grandma, living under the same roof, I’ve been blessed with more time spent with them and making new memories like never before! It’s the little things we notice when we slow down the pace in our everyday life. I got to enjoy my grandma’s enthusiastic hum to the music on the radio while baking our Hari Raya cookies, my little brother’s sweet victory when winning a Star Wars edition of Monopoly and my mum’s laughter from watching comedian Kevin Hart’s show on YouTube, after a long day of keeping the house in one piece and making sure everyone is full, healthy and comfortable at home. Looking forward to more memories for sure.
– Julia Azron

There are so many to choose from but one of the positives of the quarantine is spending more time with mum. Back story: I live with my parents and my mum is a housewife. The quarantine has allowed me to spend more time with her, whether it’s cooking, baking, watching movies or enjoying at-home facials with a glass of wine in hand. Of course, it’s not always a walk in the park. We drive each other nuts sometimes but isn’t that what family is all about?
– Nicole Nithiyah
Finally getting to those books

I always struggled to find the time to read during the pre-Covid-19 period and by no means am I happy about the situation (I miss heading out!), but I always believe there’s a silver lining to any situation. I managed to tick off book titles (slowly but surely) from my long reading list, and trust me, I have this unhealthy habit of buying books and never reading them. Plus, I have started a book club with my partner, a fun activity where we share our thoughts on the plot, characters and writing style.
– Venkat Gunasellan
Unleash the green thumb

Working from home has got me started on growing a little nursery of succulents and herbs – basil, mint and rosemary are great for adding a pop of flavour when cooking. I’ve also put together a rack to house them, and it’s been a cheer every morning to see the tender little leaves sprout.
– Charis Lim
How does your #ViewFromHome look like? Feel free to share your thoughts and images with us at [email protected] or on Facebook and Instagram!