Make a date to pick up some pottery skills with Jeanette of Adrienne Ceramics! We reckon she’s the best claymate.
It’s easy to think of art as stuff on walls or something housed in a museum or gallery that you can admire from afar, but ceramic art is claiming its place the spotlight. Pottery goes well beyond the cheesy realm of Ghost – it’s all about quality materials and serious craftsmanship in this age of mass production and instant gratification. One of the artists making a mark in the Singapore scene? Jeanette Adrienne Wee of Adrienne Ceramics.
A bit of history
Jeanette began her journey with ceramics while studying in Japan in 2010. She then did a formal residency where she picked up her foundation knowledge on pottery and skills from Japanese 14th generation pottery master Kato Hiroshige. With a background in design and new media, she began pursuing the art form further and even completed several courses in Melbourne on glazing and mould-making – after leaving her day job as a public servant.
Fluent in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, she began adapting Asian art forms in her own works through her observations of these different cultures. While she’s not focussing on the retail aspect, she does have some of those amazing Melbourne sunset pieces in her online shop, and you can find some of her earlier stuff for sale at Supermama and Gallery&Co. She’s currently working under Temasek Potters to further develop her work as an artist, and is also accepting commissions if ever you want something special!
Join the fun
It’s clear that when it comes to her craft, Jeanette is on a constant learning journey. And if pottery is a field you’d like to learn about, events like the annual Singapore Porcelain Festival by Supermama (usually held in September) are a good place to start building appreciation for the art – or you could also learn about it first-hand from Jeanette herself who will be holding 4-week pottery classes for beginners from March to April. Best part? You’ll get to bring home your masterpieces. Fire up that kiln!
Follow Jeanette’s work on her website and Instagram, or sign up for a workshop with her!