Head of Wellness at Desa Potato Head

When we show up for ourselves, we also show up for each other, raising the frequency around us in a positive way.
Tell us your story – how did you get here?
In 2004 my father retired and moved to Bali. At the time, I was working in the creative industry between Amsterdam and London, when a PR job opportunity on the island came along. I have been lucky and honoured to call Bali home for almost 15 years now. The island is the most profound teacher. It has taught me to be gentle, kind, respectful, humble and grateful.
Being a part of the Potato Head Family has given me the opportunity to grow and expand. Here I have transitioned, in a completely organic way, from the creative and marketing team, into curating the immersive wellness offerings for the Desa. This has allowed me to further activate my own energy guidance practices for groups and individuals through BY FELIX.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
It’s not really one thing in particular, but I am just proud of myself, of being brave enough to find my purpose and follow it along my path. This made me the woman that I am today. It’s also amazing to see the positive effect that the wellness activations have on those who attend. Either guided by me or by anyone in my team, these sessions always end up being a magic moment of gratitude, clarity or alignment.
What impact have you made in Bali?
It’s not so much the impact that I personally make, but through the energy work I do.
I am contributing to the wellbeing of others, and that has a ripple effect on their surroundings. There is nothing more fulfilling than that! When we show up for ourselves, we also show up for each other, raising the frequency around us in a positive way.
What does the future look like for you?
I definitely see my future here in Bali, continuing to build the wellness pillar for Desa Potato Head. I will continue to grow and activate more holistic energy work on the island, but it would also be amazing to start activating abroad for a few months per year.
What do you love most about Bali?
I love everything about Bali, but my absolute favourite things about Bali are its people, the smiles and their genuine kindness and wisdom. The culture and its rituals – and honouring of the duality – fuels and inspires me daily. Being from the west, where everything is so focused on individualism, the east is all about togetherness, sharing and being there for others. People need people. We are only as good as the sum of our parts.
What do you do to de-stress and unwind?
My home is my sanctuary. I love to burn a nice incense, prepare a nice cup of tea, meditate, connect with the garden. But I also love to venture out in nature in East Bali or up in the mountains, submerging myself in the pure beauty of what this island holds.
Who is your Local Legend and why?
I am surrounded by so many inspiring people! It’s hard to name just one as the list goes on and on, and I admire every single person that contributes to the island in their own way. But below a few of my absolute favourites:
Ronald Akili for being an incredible visionary who inspires me to make small changes, and if we do this collectively we can make a bigger impact.
Tipi Jabrik for providing a solid platform for the Indonesian surf community.
Simon Pestridge for always guiding and leading those around him by providing solutions with integrity.
Feby Jabrik for being an inspiring and strong female entrepreneur and mother at the same time.
Fa’Pawaka for contributing to the island’s collective with her amazing healing frequencies and energy and wisdom.
Silke Liederbach, my teacher, for sharing her knowledge, wisdom and guiding me on my journey.