Power to the people! Everyone deserves good coffee, connoisseur or not – and Working Class Coffee is making sure we all have the right to this.
There are two things that you cannot discuss in detail without sounding like a pompous person. One of them is wine, and the other: coffee. Anyone can like coffee, but definitely not everyone can taste notes of blackberries in their shot. Regardless, that doesn’t take away the right to appreciate and enjoy a good brew and the folks at Working Class Coffee are adamant about that.

Taking over 1KS by Park Bench Deli at the Working Capitol, Working Class Coffee started out as a pet project by Park Bench Deli’s general manager, Gustin Mahtani (you might know him as the affable gent with the great beard who’ll give you a knowing nod when you order the tater tots). Now it is alive and kicking, and for the next three months until September, you can get your coffee fix at this pop-up bar at Keong Saik.

In the spirit of collaboration, which Park Bench Deli champions excellently, the cafe also stocks baked goods from Woodlands Sourdough like blondies, brownies, an amazing chocolate prune cake, banana bread and assorted tea cakes. They also plan to rotate the the lineup by working with other independent bakeries like Mother Dough Bakery. Feeling healthy? The menu also dishes out acai bowls and avocado toast for a cleaner breakfast.

The real highlight of course is the coffee. Do yourself (and your morning) a favour and try one of Working Class Coffee’s three signature blends – all named with working class references – Anvil medium body with hints of orange, peach and chocolate), Docker (low body with hints of vanilla and orange) and Jackhammer (heavy body with hints of chocolate and nuts). The idea of the Working Class Coffee really is to cater to anyone who shares an interest in coffee – there’s no judging, just good vibes. Amazing brownies to scoff, the comforting smell of something delicious brewing, good banter among the baristas, Luqman, Nabihan and Ridhuan and coffee to suit your acquired taste, it feels like we’ll all leave the joint with a fist bump for solidarity. Well, I did.
Working Class Coffee, 1 Keong Saik Rd, Singapore 089109
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