Founder and CEO of Bali Children Foundation

A consequence of poverty and inadequate educational opportunities, I saw the [Bali bombing] as a chance to make a lasting difference
Tell us your story – how did you get here?
After an Australian rural upbringing and attending university in Melbourne, I started my Asian life in New Delhi, India in 1975. I then came to Bali in 1990 to start my own fashion business, and I have been here ever since. For many of us long term Bali residents, the 2002 Bali bombing was a tragedy we directly experienced. While volunteering to assist the injured, I saw extraordinary examples of bravery and co-operation from the Balinese, expats and tourists.
The work that led to Bali Children Foundation (BCF) came out of that event. I believed the tragedy was a consequence of poverty and inadequate educational opportunities and saw the situation as a chance to make a lasting difference using the same synergy – Balinese, expats and tourists as the core of the work.
Community service has been part of my life since childhood, and the impact of that first bomb activated me to use my skills for Bali and beyond.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I’ve enjoyed a great life with high achievement and a lot of fun in the fashion world, but my proudest accomplishment is what we’ve recently achieved for Bali’s children, especially in the fields of literacy and numeracy post-Covid. Despite 22 months without face-to-face learning, devices or internet, BCF’s Elementary students in Bali and Lombok achieved average scores of 74% for Numeracy and Literacy. Of course, this has only been possible with tremendous donor support and a skilled dedicated team delivering the learning.
What impact have you made in Bali?
Bali Children Foundation has educated thousands of children from rural Bali. The villages we initially worked in now need little support as their communities thrive. Employing a student benefits the family and the whole community. Improving family income ensures access to health services, improved housing and education for the next generation.
What does the future look like for you?
I hope I can continue to contribute to Bali Children Foundation’s work and that my skills remain relevant to corporate fashion. Indonesia is my home and this is where I hope to remain.
What do you love most about Bali?
The wonderful range of adventurers it attracts. Some stay, most leave, but all leave an impression. Nowadays, it is Indonesian residents joining from outside Bali as well as overseas visitors. After 33 years, I remain astounded by Bali’s communities and their ability to adapt. I have lived in the same village since 1995 and despite the changes around us, not much has changed in our Banjar. Of course there are more bikes, cars and phones, with more people working, but our street still looks much as it did when I came, as do people’s social and cultural interests.
Any advice for those wanting to make a meaningful change?
Learn the language, respect the community and its laws, and use your skills to make Bali a better place. Do that and you might get to live here for a long time.
Who is your Local Legend and why?
There are many I admire. So many icons, including the recently deceased Paul Ropp. I would say the Local Legend who most inspires me is Warwick Purser of Equatorial Group. His ability to continually reinvent himself and his extraordinary design talent is absolutely the stuff of Legends.