New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be big and scary. In fact, they’re probably easier to follow through if you start small. Heed these easy wellness tips to begin your year on a positive note.
Was 2023 not your year? From challenges at work, to sudden heartbreaks, to the passing of loved ones, changes in our lives, big and small, can often plague us with negative emotions. Those who have been feeling lost, stressed, or alone may feel particularly hopeless and overwhelmed about the New Year. If this sounds familiar to you, consider incorporating some simple daily habits focused on mindfulness, stress relief, and balance. Below are 10 easy wellness tips suggested by Tamsyn Rippon of Sakura Counselling and Sonia Samtani of All About You Centre to help you start afresh – and stay on track in your well-being journey.
Wellness tips to kickstart the new year
1. Take a minute…
Before considering your family, job, or your friends, think for a minute: If anything were possible, what would I want from this year? Whether it’s more excitement, balance, connection, or recognition – write it down.
2. Think about it
If balance and connection made the list, think about why this is so. What’s missing right now? What do you want more or less of in your life? Considering these questions will clarify what you already have, what you still need, and why you need it.
3. Make a plan
Be specific: Think about who you want to spend more time with, where you’d like to go, and what you’d like to do together. Most importantly, note how this will improve your life. Once these pieces are in front of you, consider your resources: How much time, money, and effort will you need to make this happen?
4. Calibrate
So, you’ve now got a plan, but that trip to Thailand still hasn’t made it out of the group chat. That’s most probably because our needs exist in a world already packed with other plans and people. Life has the habit of getting in the way! So, calibrate your plans. Schedule a weekend away, or steal time over breakfast or even on the ride to work. Set a few minutes aside each day to check in with a loved one. You don’t need a grand overseas trip to form stronger connections! Be smart and flexible, and you’re more likely to reach your goals.
5. Keep going
There will be bumps along the way. We can spend a lot of time brooding over what we should have or could have done better. But, the truth is: we can never really be perfect. So, acknowledge what you have already done, recalibrate, and focus on the next step. It’s not the step you miss, but the steps you take that truly matter.
About Sakura Counselling
Founded by Tamsyn Rippon, a therapist in Hong Kong, Sakura Counselling offers online and in-person therapy to adults, teens, parents, and families. Tamsyn works closely with clients to pinpoint why they might be feeling angry, confused, sad, stressed or disconnected. She believes that once you have a better understanding of how your mind and body works, it is easier to manage and move on from the behaviours, habits, and relationships that keep you feeling trapped. With a better picture of your puzzle, Tamsyn will support you in selecting, building, and practising the skills you need to move on and develop healthier connections within yourself and with others. Sakura Counselling also hosts workshops in collaboration with other professionals to offer a holistic approach to supporting mental health.
Wellness tips for creating lasting changes that go beyond 2024
6. Focus on what’s within your control
Avoid setting goals that depend on others’ behaviour or happiness, as we can’t control their responses. Instead, concentrate on what you can control: your thoughts, choices, and actions.
7. Gain clarity
A clear goal enables you to measure success and identify when you have achieved it. If you can “see” yourself achieving your goal, you have conceived it as a possibility in your subconscious mind, and the road map will begin to be created.
8. Embrace simplicity
Focus on one change at a time. Attempting to change multiple aspects simultaneously decreases the likelihood of long-term success.
9. Schedule your actions
Many resolutions remain unfulfilled simply because we haven’t made space for them. If you genuinely want to achieve something, put it in your diary and plan for its execution. This increases the likelihood of follow-through as you’ve already mentally envisioned the activity and carved out time for it, even if it’s months in advance.
10. Act promptly
Waiting until you feel motivated can hinder progress. Understand that you won’t always feel like doing your new routine, and accept the initial discomfort. When you feel tempted to resist, take action within five seconds of that thought!
By applying these wellness tips, you’re setting yourself up for success and lasting change – congratulations on taking the first step! Be flexible, persistent, and resilient, knowing that ups and downs are part of the journey. With a grounded approach, you can make meaningful and lasting changes in your life beyond the initial enthusiasm of the new year.
About All About You Centre
Established by Sonia Samtani, a leading hypnotherapist in Hong Kong, All About You Centre is a wellness centre that specialises in mental health care through private sessions, personal development workshops, and certified practitioner training programmes. Services are provided by resident and visiting practitioners who are experts in various fields, such as hypnotherapy, energy healing, NLP, regression therapy, couples counselling, and coaching.
This post is in partnership with Sakura Counselling and All About You Centre.