Biologist and founder of Urban Compost Bali

We have made almost 35 tonnes of high quality compost that has been given back to all members and used within local community gardens.
Tell us your story – how did you get here?
I am lucky because I’ve been able to direct my life’s passion and my knowledge into a reliable environmental business. What I have become today is the result of everything I have learned in my past, either from University or from past jobs, and from great motivation from my wife and child.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Everyone says that I should be proud of what I have created with Urban Compost Bali. However, I was personally most proud when I was finally able to finish my thesis research on intertidal biodiversity on the south coast of Bali, because it was my absolute passion and I know that somehow it will benefit Bali in the future.
What impact have you made in Bali?
The real impact I have made with Urban Compost Bali can be seen from the number of participants in the program which is growing everyday. With the help of all these people, we have successfully diverted more than 6,800m3 of food scraps and garden waste away from landfill. We have made almost 35 tonnes of high quality compost that has been given back to all members and used within local community gardens.
What does the future look like for you?
New opportunities. No matter how bad the economic situation is, or how it impacted us all over recent years, or how the current political situation and environmental degradation has progressed, this year I am determined to reach all of my goals.
What do you love most about Bali?
I love the nature in Bali; the beaches, mountains, plants and animals. I love the origin of the systems that the local people have implemented to balance nature, social and spiritual life in Bali, namely the Tri Hita Karana.
What does being sustainable mean to you?
When it comes to being sustainable, everyone can do it. Everyone can start to separate their own waste at home, into organic and non-organic. They can also spend more time in nature, instead of too much focus on working for money.
Who is your Local Legend and why?
Sean Nino and Maitri Fischer from Eco Mantra. They are not local Balinese, but I know how much they care for Bali. They both have great personalities and I have learned a lot from both of them in terms of who I have become today. I would also like to mention Pak Wayan Suyadnya – he is, so far, the only guy in Bali I have met who more than anything has given his life to his passion, which is gardening and nature. He doesn’t have Instagram, but you can find his flower garden in Canggu: Kebun Bunga Canggu.