Hailed as “Southeast Asia’s best stand-up comedy show”, this hilarious and carefully curated stand-up comedy show takes place at a secret location in UBUD (Bali) featuring an exciting blend of comedians, some as seen on Comedy Central, Showtime and Netflix.
Why is it a secret? All previous shows have sold out, forcing us to turn many people away at the door. To avoid this, the location remains undisclosed, and online sales stop once we reach capacity.
Don’t be confused—here’s how it works:
1. Buy your ticket online at secretcomedynight.com
2. Once you purchase your ticket, you’ll get an email receipt confirming your ticket and secret location details.
3. Ticket holders will receive a reminder email before 11AM on the day of the show to get updated for specifics related to the venue.
4. Upon arrival, please show your electronic ticket at the door & enjoy the show!
Limited seats. Online tickets only.
Doors open for dinner & drinks: 6.30PM. Show starts: 8PM.
Delicious food & drinks available for sale at the venue.
Laughter truly is the best medicine. See you at the show!
Use promo code ‘HONEY’ on Megatix for 10% OFF.
More info:
IG @secretcomedynight