These pet Instagram accounts will brighten your feed with adorable felines and canines.
We can all agree Instagram is a great digital space, giving us dreamy pictures of cities, providing businesses with a platform and helping up-and-coming content creators pave their own path to fame. All that is good, but have you explored the rabbit hole of celebrity pets? With massive followings that can give social media influencers a run for their money, these fur babies are stealing the game with their adorable antics. Here are the top pet Instagram accounts to follow for your daily dose of cuteness.
Our favourite pet Instagram accounts
1. Mango: @mangothesheltie
Who’s a good boy? Mango, of course. This cute fluffball is a Shetland Sheepdog and was almost given up for adoption to the SPCA. But thankfully, his current owner decided to take him and he now lives with three cats in a house. Follow him for adorable playdates with other doggos.
2. Rhea: @rheathesiberiancat
Make way for feline royalty. This regal Siberian cat has clawed her way to our hearts and our IG feed with her majestic coat and cool cat vibes. When she’s not busy being a model, she’s having fun playing with her human baby brother.
3. Baileys: @whereisbaileys
This Jack Russell and Chihuahua mix is the resident dog at Free The Robot. So if you happen to pop by for a cup of joe, keep a lookout for him. He is super friendly, but don’t be tempted to feed him as he’s currently trying to lose weight. Instead, you can show your affection with back scratches.
4. Duatau Bay: @duatau
With his name meaning ‘big head’ in dialect, this kitty is all about the sleep, eat, play and repeat lifestyle. From his poses (we’re particularly fond of pictures of him sitting like a human) to the hilarious commentary by his owner, this account is sure to give you a good laugh.
5. Brossy Meowington: @brossymeowington
Boasting over 50k followers and having appeared on magazine covers and ads, this handsome Maine Coone is an Instagram star for sure. Oh, and did we mention, he is also a father of four kittens? Guess you really can have it all. In this case: a glamorous job, a great family and a massive fan base.
6. Oscar: @oscar.thecorgi
Who can resist Corgis’ chonky bodies and butts? Not us. Say hello to Oscar the Welsh Corgi! This famous furball (he has 32k followers) loves to play dress up and is a natural when it comes to posing for the ‘gram. Like what you see? You can snag exclusive merchandise with his face on it from his online shop.
7. Hamilton: @hamilton_the_hipster_cat
Hipster cat Hamilton is ready to steal your girl with his dashing looks and suave ‘stache. Yes, you read that right, his white moustache has garnered him over 770k followers and international fame, with appearances in newspapers and magazines. We’re not too sure if he’s aware of his fame, as you can catch him sneaking in naps and playtime on his account.
8. Sir Toby Shakespeare: @sirtobyy
Where art thou, Sir Toby Shakespeare? This walking ray of sunshine is busy exploring the great outdoors of Singapore. Follow the charming golden retriever for wholesome content (read: basking in the sun, running in fields and swimming in water). We won’t blame you if you end up smashing the like button on all his pictures and videos.
9. Golden: @goldenthecockerspaniel
Truth be told, we’re hoping for Golden to drop his shampoo routine. Check out the Cocker Spaniel’s Instagram account and you’ll see what we’re talking about. Silky golden tresses, together with his brown doe eyes, are sure to give you the warm fuzzies.
10. Park Life Kitty: @parklifekitty
Street cats are a common sight in Singapore. Most of the time, they’re adopted by the neighbourhood with residents providing them food and even veterinary care. This account chronicles just that, showcasing community cats all across the island living their best life.
Now, follow these pet Instagram accounts for instant happiness on your feed.