The Singleton celebrated the inaugural launch of their ‘Gardens of Abundance’ collection, at none other than Changi Airport. Following the launch event, the pop-up invites all travellers travelling through Changi Airport Terminal 3, to explore the experiential space, from now – 21 August 2024, 6am – 1am.
Only at the ‘Gardens of Abundance’ pop-up, travellers can sample up to two variations of their choice and enjoy a special multisensory cloche tasting experience. When lifted, each cloche will come alive with scents of the garden, allowing travellers to amplify this sensation through taste to truly experience the layers of flavour.
With every bottle purchased at the pop-up, travellers can receive a personalised charm – which comes in the Singleton teal and purple, with four different insect prints to customise with hot-stamp embossing: ladybug, butterfly, dragonfly, bee. Changi Rewards members can also receive a complimentary Singleton whisky glass, upon purchase.