Have a pet and want to know their thoughts? Read this before you engage an animal communicator in Singapore.
If you’re a loyal reader of Honeycombers, you’re probably familiar with our resident psychic medium Kelly Lightworker. She’s the wise and caring agony aunt behind our Ask the Oracle column. And when she’s not answering questions on life, love and career through tarot, she’s out clearing negative energies and cleansing haunted houses. Recently, I learnt she also provides another sort of psychic service: animal communication. She can connect energetically with pets, understand their thoughts and convey them. So as the brand new owner of a young and spritely poochon pup, I thought I’d put Kelly’s intriguing abilities to the test. If you’re looking for a legit animal communicator in Singapore, she just might be it…
An animal communicator in Singapore: Discovering ‘the gift’

I first met Kelly many weeks ago when she swung by our office, boxes of cake and kueh in hand as a treat for the team. My first impression? Well, if you walked past her on the street, you’d never imagine the nature of her job. Kelly has an amiable, motherly vibe to her. But trust me, her stories will haunt you for days.
She’s only been a professional spiritual practitioner for the last eight years, but Kelly’s affinity for all things divine and cosmic started at a young age. In fact, her first memory of communicating with an animal took place in kindergarten. She’d taken on a big black dog that was harassing her and other children daily.
“I remember standing in front of him and saying in my mind, ‘You cannot chase the children. You cannot take our food. You’re a very bad dog!” She heard him utter a very disgruntled ‘no!’ in return. But he turned around and left them alone that day.
Now, Kelly’s gift has further developed from that innocent encounter. As an animal communicator in Singapore, she can speak not only to pets in the living realm, but also to those that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. This has led to some peculiar experiences she happily divulges to me in our chat.
Hits and misses of the job

Kelly regales me with the story of a house haunting that required her animal communication expertise. Lights flickered. Doors opened and closed on their own. She came in fully expecting to find a mischievous poltergeist or something more sinister. Instead, she found a confused-looking dog sitting in front of her.
“This woman loved her dog so much that when he passed away, she told him he couldn’t leave her or else she would die. So he stuck around,” Kelly shares. “He was making all that noise because he didn’t know why he wasn’t receiving treats anymore,” she chuckles.
You can tell that Kelly enjoys being an animal communicator in Singapore, and finds it rewarding to work with such pure-hearted animals. But when I ask her if the job comes with any difficulties, she recalls a time that really deflated her confidence.
She once had a session with a cat that was ill. Her owners had engaged Kelly to find out how she was feeling. “The cat told me, ‘I will not go to the vet, tell them I’m fine and I’ll live a long life’,” Kelly says. She conveyed this message to the cat’s owners but found out a day later that it had collapsed and passed away.
“Her owners were devastated, and I was shocked because I was certain that was the message I heard. There were a couple of weeks where I really doubted myself and my abilities,” she shares. Later, the owners came back to Kelly to speak to their cat in the afterlife. Kelly asked the cat for an explanation and it simply replied, “The first thing I told you was that I didn’t want to go to the vet.” Turns out, the cat tricked them so it could spend its final day at home where it was comfortable.
“Pet owners will ask me why I didn’t tell them certain things. But I’m just the messenger. I can only tell them what their pets tell me. That’s the challenging bit,” she says.
Now that we’ve heard Kelly’s stories, this is what we experienced…
A cheeky chat with a pup

Before each session begins, Kelly enters a light trance state and works with divine energies (like the Goddess Bastet for cats, and the Goddess Hekate for dogs) to boost her connection to the animals. She invites them into the sacred meditative space in her energy field. “Most animals step in without a second thought. They know they’re safe, and the presence of the Goddesses is very affirming to them,” she says.
I plop my six-month-old pup, Bruno, on the table between me and Kelly. You can tell he’s not pleased with having to stay put. But Kelly takes his fidgeting in stride and plucks the table decoration from his mouth. My questions are all pretty generic: Is he happy with us? Is there anything he’d like us to know?
Before she answers each question, Kelly pauses and closes her eyes. Then, the responses flow. “He knows he’s loved, and he knows he’s cheeky. He says he’d like not to get told off so much,” she tells me. We talk about his fear of strangers and his separation anxiety. Kelly mentions there’s a loving figure, a woman in particular, whom Bruno wants more time and attention from.
I think of my mum (who was away in Israel at the time), and how attached Bruno is to her. “It’s probably her,” I say. He can’t leave her alone when she’s at home, and often barks at her to play with him.
“There’s also a particularly strict male figure around,” Kelly continues. “Bruno says he’s happy, but there’s a fierce man.” My dad comes to mind. He’s actually very loving but yells at Bruno when he tries to sneak up the stairs or take a bite out of the Christmas tree.
An insightful exchange with a kitty cat

Next up, my colleague Natasha takes the seat with her gorgeous Maine coon, Leone. Her other cat, Elliot, sits on a shelf in the distance, watching in quiet disdain. The session starts off with Kelly accurately describing the personalities of each cat. That’s unsurprising, I think, especially as it seems pretty apparent which cat is more loving and which one isn’t.
But things take a little twist when Kelly mentions Leone recently overheard a conversation between Natasha and her husband regarding an impending decision.
“We just had a talk this morning about me wanting another cat,” Natasha says. She shares the concerns they have about getting one, and how Leone and Elliot might feel about a new addition.
“Leone will be okay with any decision you make. He wants you to know that he’ll accept it if it happens,” Kelly assures her. They allude that Elliot may have more of an issue with it, as he’s the youngest and may not do well losing out to a new ‘baby’ in the family. “But I suppose if it’s meant to be, it will happen. Sometimes, the cat finds you,” Kelly says.
She also brings up a fish-shaped object that she senses Leone showing her. “What might that be?” she asks. Natasha explains it could be a treat she often gives the cats. “Oh, that makes sense,” Kelly says. “He says he loves you a lot, but he’d love you more if he could have more of that.”
Our sessions end on a good note, with the assurance that our pets feel loved and valued.
Is it all woo woo?

If you know me, you know I’m a bit of a sceptic. Nothing Kelly shared was wrong – and she definitely hit the nail on the head with my parents. However, I can’t help but think it might’ve been easy for anyone to guess what she shared just by observing us and our pets.
Still, I wanted to remain partial in my judgement. So I asked Natasha, who had more experience in this area, for her thoughts. While she felt the session was shorter than others, it was evident Kelly had a strong connection with the animals. Her only advice? More time spent communicating with the pets before starting the session would’ve been helpful.
Kelly also shares some useful tips on what to look out for when engaging an animal communicator in Singapore. “Credible animal communicators and spirit practitioners usually have a refund policy if you don’t resonate with what they’re saying in the first five or 10 minutes,” she says. “If you sense they’re sincere and genuinely love animals, there’s a good chance the connection will be meaningful.”
The truth is, I’m not entirely sure how legitimate animal communication is. But there’s no harm in being a little open-minded and admitting there are some things in life we’ll never truly know the answers to. Believer or not, Kelly sums it up well with this: “If you’re a loving pet owner and have a good relationship with your pet, the best animal communicator is yourself.”
Don’t you agree? Now, onto the next interesting profession!