I believe that everything can be explained by science, except for everything that can't. So here are 5 unscientific ways to relax in Hong Kong
I’ve talked to a few friends recently who are at their wits end with Hong Kong. One said that she felt like crying for no reason, while another was genuinely afraid that he might never get off his new Ikea sofa, like ever. There seems to be something in the air right now. And of course–me being the everything-can-be-explained-with-science/astrology girl that I am– I took it upon myself to do some investigation. What I will say is this, the investigation was short and sweet and resulted in these 5 unscientific ways to relax in Hong Kong that are in no way medically approved or endorsed by any celebrity (but I reckon Lady O totally would.)
Phase One: The Investigation
Obviously, my first port of call was the phases of the moon. After almost a decade in the retail and F&B industries, it became easy to spot when a full moon was close thanks to the cray cray requests and actions of customers (no, it’s not OK that you’re walking into the kitchen to see where you’re food is, new friend who is almost two bottles of sauvignon blanc deep!) But there’s no full moon due till the end of the month…
There is however a new moon coming this week, and essentially the dark side of the moon will be facing the earth, so I’ve decided to blame Pink Floyd and their prog rock for everything. Also, in the Maya Calendar, The Lord of the Night is currently in G3. I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds pretty cool. This all coupled with the daily work grind, bills, war, poverty, Ed Sheeran playing everywhere you go and world leaders doing questionable things in the name of their country (or their bank accounts) can lead to a pretty stressful existence. So here’s a little something I prepared for you earlier.
Here are 5 unscientific ways to relax in Hong Kong
Hug a furry creature
Y’all know that I’m bringing hugging back for humans in the age of disconnect, but sometimes you just need the love of a furry creature. Find a friend with a cat/dog and schedule some cuddle time. No friends? That’s cool. I go to pet shops and pretend that I can afford their high class kitties who have been sat in the window for four months and ask to hold them. I would always adopt rather than shop pets, but when it comes to self-care, it doesn’t really matter where you get your kicks, plus, even high-class kitties need love, right?!
Go for a walk down an alley you’ve never been down
Ever had that feeling like you’re head is about to explode because you’ve been hit in the face with an umbrella five times already and it’s only 07:45? One of the many charms of this city is the number of tiny, unexplored alleyways that are everywhere you look. If you need a break from the world/office, go for a wee wander to see if you can find one you’ve never walked up. From beady eyes hiding in corners to secret restaurants you’ve not seen before, you never know what you might find.
Music therapy yourself
Music therapy is a thing for a reason; it works. But, you ain’t going to feel any less stressed if you’re constantly listening to tracks with the wrong BPM. When I was an early-childhood teacher in a past life, and the 20 kids in my class were bouncing off the walls, I would simply put on a CD I’d made (now you know how old I am!) full of Motown classics and slow-paced Beyonce, and they’d soon be back on the mat. Pick some songs that you know relax you and prepare them for when you’re going into a high stress situation, like your daily walk to work, a hot Tinder date, or an important meeting with big clients.
Make something
Whether you think you’re creative or not, making things has an amazing ability to make you feel better about yourself. Maybe it’s food you love, or maybe you’ve always wanted to make one of those macrame hanging pot holders or maybe you want to record a slow jam love song for your boo. There’s nothing you can’t YouTube these days, and in a few hours you can help get rid of some of that negative energy by getting crafty!
Here’s a list of creative classes we’re digging
Write a letter or postcard to someone you miss
Honeycombers Hong Kong readers are a mix of people from across the globe, and no matter where you’re from, no doubt you have someone in another country (or even right here!) who you miss. Why not write them a special letter or postcard to tell them how you feel. You never know, you may even spark a reaction where they send you one back. Now isn’t it great to get actual mail delivered rather than just bills for a change? I promise that penning even a few words on paper will change your frame of mind in a flash, even if it’s just a quick fix until we get out from under this dark, dark side of the moon.
Do you have some other unscientific ways that you like to de-stress in Hong Kong? Or maybe you just wanna chat? Drop us a line at [email protected]