Got bitten by the outdoor bug? We scoured the city to help you gear yourself for your next big adventure. Here's where to shop for trekking, hiking and camping equipment in Jakarta.
Of course city life is amazing, and we wouldn’t trade it for anything. With little luxuries like on-call mani-pedis, and martabak manis delivered straight to your door at any hour of the day, why would we? But considering that Indonesia is home to some of the best camping destinations in the world, it wouldn’t hurt to go on a wild outdoor adventure once in awhile. To help you get started (you city slickers, you) we’ve rounded up the best trekking, camping and hiking gear stores so you can get well-equipped.
1. Consina
This store has it all! From jackets, shirts, and shorts to backpacks in all sizes, sleeping bags, tents, and other essentials; you’re bound to walk out with something. They also carry a range of locally made hiking shoes that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
Consina, multiple stores across Jakarta, p. +62 21 8262 1141 / +62 813 8888 3515, e. [email protected]
2. Tandike
Tandike stocks backpacks in all shapes, colours, and sizes and is the number one distributor of Deuter products in Indonesia. The friendly and knowledgeable staff are happy to help find the right gear for you. They also carry an extensive range of dry bags, camera bags, rain covers, and sleeping bags and tents.
Tandike, Jl Cileduk Raya No. 2, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta, p. +62 21 726 3444 / +62 811 809 621
EIGER is well equipped with all the adventure gear you could ever imagine! EIGER is an Indonesian brand made in Bandung, so their products are reasonably priced. They have an impressive collection of backpacks, dry bag backpacks, camera bags, park runner packs, water bladders, money belts, clothing, hiking shoes, sleeping bags, and tents – everything you need for mountaineering.
EIGER, multiple stores across Jakarta, p. +62 811 231 1632, e. [email protected]