Mix it into your smoothies, rub it onto your skin or lap it up in the heat - here are 6 reasons why coconut water is a gift from the Bali Gods.
One of the best things about living on a paradise island like Bali (besides the white sand beaches and endless sundowner destinations) is the infinite supply of freshly-fallen coconuts, filled with a slightly sweet elixir that’s as delicious as it is nutritious.
Yup, coconut water is Mother Nature’s gift that keeps on giving – the ultimate thirst quencher and a tasty alternative to water. This pure liquid is packed with nutrients that yield an array of health benefits, so here are 6 reasons why you should be drinking coconut on the regular.
1. Hello, weight loss
The fat content in coconut water is extremely low, which means generous quantities can be consumed without the fear of immediately packing on the pounds. It also suppresses the appetite and makes you feel full because of its rich nature, and less cravings mean less calories added. Yes please!
2. Picture-perfect skin
For those of us with acne or other blemishes, topical application of coconut water can go a great distance as it has the ability to clear up and subsequently tone the skin. It also moisturises the skin from within if ingested orally and eliminates large amounts of oil. This explains why products that contain traces of coconut extract are always more effective…
3. The ultimate hangover remedy
Next time you overdo the sundowners and drink a few too many cocktails than your body can handle, crack open a coconut to settle your stomach. It will also replace those essential electrolytes that you lose the morning after a night on the town…

4. Digestion made easy
If you constantly encounter digestions issues, never fear, coconut water is here. It can provide a source of relief because of its high concentration of fibre, helping to prevent indigestion whilst also reducing any occurrences of acid reflux.
5. Sweat, hydrate, repeat
The ingredients in coconut water are way more effective at hydrating the human body than those of sports and energy drinks. During rigorous exercise or extended periods of physical activity, we lose mineral-rich fluids. However, coconut water serves as an excellent replacement with 294mg of potassium and 5mg of natural sugar per glass, unlike those nasty sports drinks that contain half of the potassium content and five times the amount of processed sugar. So the next time you’re hitting one of Bali’s best gyms, now you know how to hydrate.
6. High blood pressure, be gone!
Disproportionate levels of electrolytes can often result in high blood pressure, but because coconut water contains an adequate supply of each, it can be used as a balancing mechanism. It’s actually recommended that coconut water is consumed every morning to foster the balance of these electrolytes to start your day on the right foot. Yup, a coconut a day keeps the doctor away.
So, how much is too much?
We could drink coconuts from dawn until dusk, but how much is too much? Luckily there is no hard and fast rule regarding the maximum amount of coconut water that should be drank on a daily basis. Saying that, experts from the Mayo Clinic strongly suggest maintaining an active lifestyle if consuming large amounts of coconut water since each eight ounce serving is accompanied by 45 to 60 calories. Time to hit the yoga studio, Honeys!